Sunday, November 14, 2010

Aiden and Kyler in Arizona trunk and treating!
I guess my goal of keeping this blog updated wasn't kept very well. Many things have happened since the last post. Lauren and the boys moved to Arizona. We miss them very much but are glad they have decided to move back.

Amanda delivered our little Lily Joy Turpin weighing in at 8 lbs, 6 oz on November 11th, 2010 at 4:49 AM. Amanda had another c-section due to Lily wanting to come into the world feet first. Lily is a cute little blessing to our family. Mom and baby are doing well. We have had the joy of watching Avery for a few days. Being a grandma is more fun than being a mom.

Chelsea has started taking the EMT course and we our proud of her efforts to learn and grow. She want to be a life flight nurse someday. Bret, myself and Michael went to State swim competition last week to see Chelsea compete in the Breast Stroke. She did awesome finishing 20th out of about 50 competing. She missed the finals by only two people and less than a second. She swam her best time and improved by 3 seconds. She did really well especially for a swimmer who only competes 2 months out of the year. We are proud of her and sad that we will have to wait till the grand kids are older to see our children compete in sports.

Richard leaves this month of Kuwait and we will miss him very much. He will always be in our prayers. We are proud and thankful that he is willing to serve his country and keep our freedom protected. What a great honor to have a son who is willing to do all of that for everyone. We look forward to Thanksgiving and joy the holidays bring to our home and family.